Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chris - A Week in My Life

This is my "DARKROOM". It's where I spent the week working on my Portfolio Presentation.

Dave W - Worst Photo

I was trying to use my exposure lock and ended up with this beauty. Even Photoshop couldn't find the sky! The composition would have been pretty bad too if you could tell what it was.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Steph G - 'A week of my life'

This wasn't a typical week for me.  Every free moment that I had between last Thursday and this evening has been dedicated to helping my daughter prepare for her science fair.  It's not what I would call my passion, but it was a fun experience for us.  Unfortunately, I don't have a sequence of photos documenting my life for the last week.  But here is a shot that should sum up all the time spent with glue, scissors, and clip art.

Steph G - Worst photo?

I'm not even sure what my camera was set on.  I like to think I know how to shoot fast moving, Wii-playing kids, but now I'm not sure...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Steph G - playing with light -variations on the same sign

I only really liked these pictures from last week's class.  I didn't get out much at night to see more neon lights, and the lights around home are street lights.  I will play with those more as time goes on, but for now, this will have to do.

I decided to toy with B&W on the neon.  I liked it a lot in Photoshop and even got the reflection in there.  No matter what I did to adjust it, though, everytime I would save it and open it again, I lost it.  I still like the look of the sign floating in the air, though.

I hadn't started playing with movement yet, but I really like how the window reflects the tree and light and how the light is glowing on the frame of the window. 

This was my favorite design of the sign.  I had several that were great, but a street lamp kept interfering.  I like how it is crooked and in need of Chiropractic assistance.

Only in Oly!

Only in Olympia can you find someone pulling a tree on their bike! People watching was fun on Sunday.

Jessica - Night and Low Light (and some past weeks work)

Field trip image

Throughout the day, I found myself drawn to the different paddles - how people personalized them. 
Tv 1/250, f 5.6, ISO 100, partial metering

Class room fun:
Manual mode, f 8.0, Tv 34 sec, ISO 100, partial metering

My oldest really "got" the drawing with lights concept and drew this stick figure.
Manual mode, f 10, Tv 13 sec, ISO 100, spot metering

Sparklers.  We had two different kinds of sparklers. One really looked like fireworks (see Andrea's post) .  The ones used in this shot were great for drawing but were SO smoky the shots were hazy.  I only left the shutter open a short time on this one to beat the smoke. 
Tv 7 sec, f 10, ISO 100

Shooting the moon with and without a tripod. 
(With, above)  We weren't able to get trees in the foreground from the backyard unfortunately.  We did try uplighting some even but that didn't work. 
Tv 1/60, f 16, ISO 100
(Without, below)  Last week, in Mexico the moon we beautiful but I didn't have my tripod.  That considered I thought it might be fun to see if I could draw with the moon anyway. 

B&W & Closeup/Macro

"10' outside my front door"  This was our view from our window looking down.  I really like the repeating circles and curves.
Tv 1/100, f 8.0, ISO 100

Mexico junk drawer
Tv 1/20, f 8.0, spot metering, ISO 100 (180 mm plus ext. tubes)

Close-up/Macro with 10' of front door
Tv 1/80, f 5.6, spot metering, ISO 100, focal length 200mm plus ext tube

WORST PHOTO of the week
One too many Coco-Loco's for me I think. 

Shelley - Dragon boat field trip

I liked the dragons on the bows but couldn't quite capture a good image in action.

Shelley - Fun with flashlights & Fido!

I thought it would be fun to capture my dog where she is and where she wants to be at the same time. Not so easy to direct pets and family members! It sort of works, was fun trying and I learned I need a cable shutter release!

Dave W - Low Light and Dragon Boat Race

I didn't get the action shop I hoped for but found a lot of interesting people. I think this group gets the focus award for the day. I cropped this picture because there were some distractions I didn't like but in doing so I lost the symmetry of the oars, but the story is mostly in their faces anyway so I like this better.

The repeating shapes here stood out to me - shiny objects!

and one from class

Andrea- Dragon Boat Races

Here are my favorites photos from Sunday.

This dog made me laugh. He was SO serious and only perked up slightly if someone gave him food. He seemed completely uninterested in everything going on around him.
ISO 320, 98 mm, f/2.8, 1/4000

It was fun to be up high looking down on all the rowers coming off the boats. You could see them congratulating each other, talking about the race, etc.
ISO 400, 140 mm, f/5, 1/1250

This was not the angle I was hoping to get of the rowers, but I liked the rowers and oars lined up nonetheless. I also liked all the bright colors on the boats and life vests. It would have been nice to have a circular polarizer to help get rid of the light reflection on the water.
ISO 400, 200 mm, f/f, 1/1600

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Andrea- Zoom

Well, this zoom photo was not taken of lights at night, but I thought the colors were fun, and it looked more like a painting than a photo.

Deana ~ Shoot the Moon/landscape

The best of the photo's taken. Tried on a couple of nights. First attempt waited for the moon to move up and then it was gone with the clouds. This attempt I decided to start earlier and again where I wanted to shoot the disappeared. Want to try star trails...too many clouds to make the shot this week. Maybe next week. There is moon spot on all my shots, just like I find with the sun. Filter Filter shop shop! Need to sell more photos.

Dave and Deana ~ Dancing with Bella with flashlights

Using flashlights in the back yard....and the dog loved to chase the light! So it became a game with her.

Andrea- Fun with Flashlights

Jessica and I got our kids together to play with flashlights in the dark. We tried what we did in class, and it turned out kind of cute. The kids had a blast!

Andrea - Sparklers

The kids had a great time playing with sparklers and flashlights at night. I'm excited about taking some pictures on the 4th of July!

Andrea- Moon photo

It was tricky catching the moon between drifts of clouds floating by. I wish there could have been something in this photo besides just the moon, but I couldn't figure out how to include anything else in my was all too dark.

Dave - Jumping Jacks

I had a hard time finding anything good to photograph. I would have liked a bit more sun for some shadows. This was about all I could find to post. F7.1, 1/400, ISO 100

Dave - Couldn't Resist

I had to post this photo even though it's not part of an assignment. It was however, having a camera with me at the right time.
Since my brother is a Lacey firefighter and I am a cop we constantly banter back and forth about who is better.
I found this Lacey fire rig parked in front of a Pole Dancing shop yesterday. I thought they did away with the fire pole in their new station because of safety reasons. Now I think maybe it was because they were doing too much dancing in all their spare time.

Dave Neon

Playing with the zoom on neon. I had a lot of fun shooting at night.

Class week 4

Deana ~ Dragon Boat field trip

I can't say I had a great picture on our field trip. I played with a couple concepts (blurred back ground, foreground middle and background) and felt good about accomplishing it. But the photos weren't that great. I found myself watching what people wore in the boats so I choose this photo to express what I saw on Sunday. Also shot lots of photos from the hip/blindly and man I need practice at that.

Deana ~ Neon Fun for Class!

Late night in downtown Oly!
Looking for lights and what you can do with it! What fun!!!

Stephanie G - Black and White

I have been short on time and unable to post many images on our blog. So now is my chance to get a little bit caught up. I took this shot on a very nice day as the sun was beginning to set. In color, it is very pretty, but the amount of light that was cast on Carley's hair along with the darker shades made me think it would be a nice black and white.

Bill Russell- Guy and his dog

I thought the one of him by himself was a better shot, but here his is with his dog.

Bill Russell- Shooting the moon

Managed to get a couple of shots of the moon Saturday night. Not the best, it was overcast.

Melissa- Zooming Out

Melissa- Nighttime Capitol Fountain

Monday, April 26, 2010

Melissa- Tai Chi

Favorite shot from the festival. I thought it looked like they were shaping the pavement. I didn't use a tripod and I can tell :( I didn't think I'd need one at 1/500.